#30DayMapChallenge 2023

bordoray's 30+10 contributions to a daily map making challenge occured every november.



30 maps have been made as a quizz concept you can play hereafter.
Main tools : Maptiler & QGIS


10 extra maps for MIERUNE and for the love of maps.
Day 3: Polygons
41 Tokyo prefectures in Hokkaido
Day 5: Analog
The earth clays waiting for firing
Day 8: Africa
West Africa scaled to Japan
Day 9: Hexagons
Japan prefectures redivided into hexagons
(with @chizutodesign)
Day 11: Retro
Japan prefectures redivided into hexagons
(retro ver. with @chizutodesign)
Day 13: Choropleth
Saunas in Japan per population
Day 15: OpenStreetMap
Ferry lines in Japan
Day 22: North is not always up
The returned Japan
Day 28: Map or chart?
The hot spring statement in Japan
Day 29: Population
Irish Hokkaido


  • 2022 challenge