Self geolocated Facebook pics
gathered through Graph API
bordoray's 30+6 contributions to a daily map making challenge occured every november.
Main tools : QGIS, Maplibre, Photoshop and clay
Self geolocated Facebook pics
gathered through Graph API
His Majesty Mt.Fuji's contour lines.
DEM generated by ElevationTile4JP
The funniest upside down country border.
Explanations by Olivier Marchon
Greenland, icely, lovely
The World Should Unit.
Tokyo Railway meet Paris
A simple spatiomap showing
a lovely land where we can feel infinity
Living Mashiko town
with a French IGN touch
The most beautiful sky seen at El Chalten
Don't cry for me Argentina
QGIS default color and Mercator projection
The only 6 municipalities in Japan
containing red (赤) kanji
Same latitude European and
Middle-East cities translated into Japan
Tokyo Marathon 2022 race
with 5 minutes checkpoint
France, also called ”L'Hexagone”
as a simple hexagons map.
The egg projection
The size minimal country
Mashiko ceramic still in progress
The only 6 municipalities in Japan
containing blue (青) kanji
My first painting in over 20 years
The most fascinating place
Population around Korea DMZ
Earth (or Geoid) ceramics
with no data
Bus trafic around Mt Fuji
using GTFS data
Worlds of Final Fantasy
From FFI to FFX
Municipalities in Japan
with purple(紫) and green(緑) kanji
This year I fall in love
with Amami island
World map of artists citizenship
as last.fm said
October trail-runs in Mashiko
All Girondins de Bordeaux oppenents
with graph statistics
Day 1 Self geolocated Facebook pics
in Globe version
6 additional output for MIERUNE, as team participation.
Hokkaido with Ukranian labels
Paris railway comes to Tokyo
5 minutes run
5 drawing!
Hokkaido clay waiting for data
Japan with Business cards
Reverted version of Day 12 scale:
Greater Tokyo Railway meets Greater
All MIERUNE's contributions here.